
Composer Rob Miles Coverdale hails from a long line of family members steeped in musical tradition, including his father and grandfather, both respected concert pianists and teachers at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Classically trained from a young age, Rob spent his youth writing, performing and recording with bands across Scotland and the UK, and also taught guitar for a number of years.

As a pianist and guitarist, he received top honors for his performances, culminating in studies at Edinburgh College in both music performance, composition and production. 

His orchestral score Ultimum Conatum was recorded in 2023 with the Up North Session Orchestra at Hallé St. Peter's in Manchester, England with Eduardo Portal conducting. He was also featured as the composer for Sam Hayles’ Dunmore Park House and Glen Ogle Viaduct.

At present, Rob lives and works in Scotland with his wife and two daughters.